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Plan your summer show

It's time to start thinking about planting summer flowering bulbs such as dahlias, begonias, lilies, and gladioli.

These stunning blooms are one of the easiest and most rewarding flowers to grow, providing you with endless stems of flowers over the summer months.

Follow our top tricks and picks for a stunning show.

Five steps to bulb planting success

  1. Prepare your soil with organic matter like sheep pellets or compost.
  2. Add a layer of Tui Bulb Mix to plant into.
  3. Plant your bulbs at a depth twice their diameter.
  4. Cover your bulbs with the mix.
  5. Water well and keep the soil moist while bulbs are growing.

Feed existing bulbs

Spring flowering bulbs including daffodils, freesias and tulips will be starting to pop through now. Feed with Tui Bulb Food when stems begin to appear, when starting to flower and when dying down to promote healthy, vibrant blooms.

Extend your show

Summer bulb favourites include dahlias, begonia, peonies, lilies and gladioli. With so many beautiful options available the hardest part is picking what to plant! Choose a variety of different shapes, sizes and colour for added interest.

For extra pops of colour you can also pot up bulbs around your garden. Pots can be hidden in the garden until they start to bloom, then can be brought out to brighten to deck or patio. When they’ve finished flowering you can tuck them away again!

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