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Ruffles Purpleberry Lavender

This spring Ambrosia Nurseries have released a stunning new Ruffles Purpleberry Lavender plant. 

Ruffles Purpleberry will provide a gorgeous show from late winter until early summer, as well bring colour and bees into your backyard! It has a compact and neat habit, is dry tolerant, quick growing and great in pots, garden beds or even as a small hedge.

Keep an eye out for it in Mitre 10 stores across the country with a free Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser 75g sachet included.

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Ruffles Purpleberry Lavender Comments

  • Hi, I was wondering how big does the Ruffles Purpleberry Lavender grow? 

    Megan Smith

    • Hi Megan, about 60 cm tall and wide. 

      Tui Team

  • Do all Mitre10 stores stock these Ruffles PURPLEBERRY LAVENDER?

    Beatrice Miller

    • Hi Beatrice, yes you should be able to find this at your local Mitre 10 or Bunnings store. 

      Tui Team

  • Is there an early flowering lavender? I am looking for blue/purple flowers to attract bees next to my plum tree which fruited well the first year and has been practically baren the 3 subsequent years (covered in blossoms).


    • Stoechas type lavenders (French and Italian types) are early flowering varieties. They may not do so well planted under/around plum trees, they would prefer a more open sunny position to flower. Borage and phycelia are also good plants for attracting bees. But, it is probably something else that has happened to affect fruiting. Is it an early flowering/fruiting variety which could get frosted if there are late frosts or wet weather during flowering? This will stop the bees working and the flowers don’t get pollinated. One way to help attract bees is to spray a weak sugar solution over the flowers. Does the tree require a pollinator? If so, cut a branch from a flowering plum tree and put it in a bucket of water under your tree while it is flowering. Has the tree been fed? Feed with Tui Citrus Food or Tui Enrich Fruit, Citrus Tree & Shrub controlled release fertiliser once it has finished flowering and again in late summer, early autumn. Also remove the grass and mulch around the tree so that tree isn't compete for moisture and fertiliser with grass growing around it. 

      Tui Team

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