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Sharing what's in our nature

We’re gardeners too! The Tui Team love creating and growing in the garden. We’re passionate about what we do and helping others grow - it’s in our nature.

This season we’re celebrating what’s in our nature: as Tui, as Kiwis, as gardeners. Meet some of the Tui Team as they share their growing spaces and what's in their nature.

Jean's daughter Odette, with his Nana

Jean's daughter Odette, with his Nana

Name: Jean

What ‘It’s in our Nature’ means to you: This is my nana in her garden passing on her passion to my daughter. My Nana spent her life gardening and cooking (mostly things from her garden), she had a really big vege garden, a few fruit trees and flowers everywhere.

Every spring we used to go “shopping” at the local nursery and my nana was like a kid in a toy shop, wanting almost everything, smiling and almost running everywhere and me trying to follow her with the trolley full of things.

We used to spend a lot of time in her garden, playing, helping and occasionally indulging in her fruits or tomatoes without her seeing. Later, each time I visited her she would bring me on a tour of the garden, her happy place.

And now every time I spend time in the garden, grow veges or pick up a fruit from a tree, it’s like she is still with me and I try to pass on that feeling to my kids!

This photo captures what 'It’s in our nature' means to me, showing where the magic happens!

Steven in his mini fruit orchard

Steven in his mini fruit orchard

Name: Steven

What ‘It’s in our Nature’ means to you: I'm in my happy place in my orchard. Time spent here is good for my body and soul. I come out of my orchard relaxed and refreshed.

Ann in her sunny Pāpāmoa patch

Ann in her sunny Pāpāmoa patch

Name: Ann

What ‘It’s in our Nature’ means to you: I love enjoying time in my garden, it's my happy place.

Hannah at home with her plant babies

Hannah at home with her plant babies

Name: Hannah

What ‘It’s in our Nature’ means to you: I love to bring the outdoors in with easy-care indoor plants.

Rose in the garden with Kai

Rose in the garden with Kai

Name: Rose

What ‘It’s in our Nature’ means to you: I like to plant coriander in my herb bath - now it doesn’t taste like soap 😊 

This is our recycled bath tub that was left on our property when we moved there, and I put my tomato plant in a half water cylinder that my husband's dad gave us. Oh and the water can from my uncles that’s probably about 40 years old!

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