Tui is a member of the soft plastics recycling scheme. Our fertiliser, lawn seed, growing media and birdseed bags are eligible for recycling at the soft plastics recycling drop off points. Read on to find out more.
Our fertiliser, lawn seed, growing media, compost and birdseed bags are eligible for recycling at the soft plastics recycling drop off points (they must be clean and dry). Drop off points can be found here.
We will gradually update our packaging to include the soft plastic recycling scheme logo, to make people aware of the scheme. In the mean time you can start dropping off empty, clean and dry packaging at the drop off points.
The Soft Plastics Recycling scheme covers approximately 69% of New Zealanders with drop off points for soft plastic packaging to be recycled. They have recycled over 15 million bags and wrappers since relaunch in April 2019. The packaging is then recycled into BioGro certified organic fence posts at Future Post in Waiuku, or into ducting and other products at Second Life Plastics in Levin. You can find out more information here.
If you would like to check whether the Tui packaging you have can be recycled through this scheme, please feel free to get in touch with us. Please take care to make sure any packaging dropped off for recycling is empty, clean and dry.
Thank you for your support with this initiative, and we will continue to work on improving the sustainability of our packaging.
Watch our video showing how to clean and dry your growing media bags above.

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Soft Plastic Recycling Scheme Comments
Hi, as till receipts are not paper, I presume there is an element of plastic in them, can they be recycled under soft plastics recycling scheme. Thanks.
Barry Neilson
Hi Barry, most till receipts use thermal paper which contains BPA, an industrial chemical used to produce some plastics, and cannot be recycled. Paper till receipts can be recycled, but they say anything smaller than a Post-It note doesn't work for the sorters at the recycling plants and so should be discarded in the rubbish, as should any thermal paper receipts. If in doubt, leave it out.
The Tui Team
Hi, which Tui product would be suitable for growing mushrooms at home. Thanks.
g peters
Hi, the best medium for growing mushroom spore is Tui Strawberry Straw which is barley straw. The straw needs to be pasteurised first before it is inoculated with the mushroom spore so that no other fungi grow. There are many youtube videos and websites on growing mushroom spores and on how to pasteurise the straw with hot water. Peat moss is another medium that is used by mushroom growers.
Lianne, Tui Team