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Strawberry Straw Bale Gardening Hack

Want delicious fruit? It might sound like a bit of a crazy idea but straw bales are perfect for growing delicious fruit. Off the ground, they keep pests away and give you easier access to your strawberries too!

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What you need to do

  1. Soak Tui Strawberry Straw bale for approximately one hour.
  2. Make three evenly spaced holes in the top of the bale with a dibbler. About 10cm deep will do the trick.
  3. Push one teaspoon of Tui Strawberry Food deep into each hole with the dibbler.
  4. Fill each hole with Tui Strawberry Mix and work it into the straw with the dibbler.
  5. Place two capfuls of the Seaweed Plant Tonic in a bucket and soak strawberry plants, removing excess soil.
  6. Plant one strawberry plant per hole and top up with extra mix.
  7. Water well and continue to feed and water regularly.
  8. Place bales in a wooden tray, or sit on your garden and watch them grow delicious juicy strawberries!

Barley straw is a natural product. If barley seeds sprout simply pull them out.

Follow our Strawberry Growing Guide here >

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