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Tina's Pumpkin Soup

This recipe comes from Tina in Auckland and is a family favourite in her household! After her pumpkin plant produced three pumpkins this year, Tina got busy making them into this soup. She plans to plant more for winter.


  • 1 pumpkin
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1 Tbsp herbs
  1. Cut pumpkin into quarters
  2. Roast at 180 degrees for 50 min
  3. Remove skin from pumpkin
  4. Place in crockpot and add chopped onions, garlic, chicken stock, herbs and salt and pepper to taste
  5. Cook on low for 8 hours
  6. Let cool
  7. Put in a food processor and mix until smooth

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Tina's Pumpkin Soup Comments

  • Add curry powder too


  • Thanks for the tip Jennifer! ^Tui Team


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