Indoor plants are the perfect option for breathing life into your living space and livening up and enhancing your décor. Just like plants growing outdoors, indoor plants also need regular TLC. See our tips below for keeping your indoor plants in top shape.
Container plants should be regularly re-potted into containers of fresh potting mix. Large indoor houseplants don't need repotting as regularly as smaller indoor houseplants as long as they are fertilised regularly.
A plant will grow as big as the pot you put it in so if you want the plant to grow bigger, repot it every 1-2 years. July-August is generally a good time.
Caring for your indoor plants
Light: The more light the plants get the better. Place on a window sill, bench or table where possible to allow light to access your plants.
Observation: Observation is important - it is a good idea to look over your plants every couple of weeks and check for any issues. To help you remember when you last checked over your plants, try marking it on the calendar.
Grooming: Keep your plants looking great by grooming. As the leaves are the main part of the plant visible take time to keep them looking in tip top shape.
- Dust particles can cling to plant leaves and block the leaf pores. Every now and again spray a fine mist of tepid water over the leaves to unclog the pores and gently wipe with a soft cloth.
- Alternatively place the plant outside in gentle rain (this is a ideal for plants with smaller leaves that are harder to clean), gently hose down plants with the hose, or place the plant in the shower and then allow to dry.
- Furry and hairy plants, cactus and succulents prefer less water - use a soft brush to brush dust off the leaves.
- Professional leaf sprays and wipes are available to help clean and add shine to plant leaves.
- Tidy up plants by deadheading flowers once they have finished.
- Remove old or unhealthy looking leaves and check for any signs of insect pests and diseases in case they are the reason behind the leaves.
- Prune plants if they are losing form or shape and just looking generally untidy. Pruning will help keep the plant more balanced with strong growth.
Watering: Plants grown in containers require more regular watering in summer and less frequent watering in winter. If you're not sure whether to water your plant, touch the surface of the mix and if it feels dry, water.
Feeding: Plants use nutrients from the soil as they grow, so replenishing the nutrients ensures your plants remain healthy. Choose a ready to use liquid option from the Tui Enrich Pour & Feed range or a six month controlled release fertiliser like Tui Enrich Pots & Containers. They require less feeding over winter, so it's a good idea to give them a boost pre-winter and they'll welcome a top up when spring arrives.
Directions for re-potting plants:
- Your new container should be approximately 25mm wider than the root ball of the plant.
- Water plants thoroughly before re-potting and allow to drain.
- Partly fill your container with Tui Indoor Plant Mix.
- Turn the plant out of its current container and loosen the root ball gently, removing any loose roots or dead plant material.
- Position the plant in the centre of the new container.
- Fill your container with Tui Indoor Plant Mix up to 3cm from the top.
- The mix should be at the same level on the plant as it was in the previous container.
- Press the mix around base of plant. Tap the pot gently to settle the mix.
- Water your plant well.
- Keep moist until the plant is established.
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Top Tips for Indoor Plants Comments
I have an Anthurium of which the leaves turn brown at the tips which progresses if left and eventually dies. The plant is otherwise fairly healthy but is unsightly. Is this lack of fertiliser & if so what should I feed it?
Hi Gordon, the burnt leaves could be from direct sunlight, lack of water or lack of fertiliser or a combination of all of these things. Suggest you re-pot your plant and place it somewhere away from direct sunlight and allow it to recover. A drench with Seasol seaweed based plant toinic once a month will help revive it. Feed with Tui NovaTec Premium fertiliser. All the best. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.
Hi there, I want to put two large pots inside for privacy in a conservatory window which is cold and moist in winter and hot in summer. Any ideas on what to plant please? Many thanks
Hi Chris, good question. You could try Abutilon ? the Chinese lantern shrub or something like Ficus Benjamin. Both cope with your conditions. To ensure the best results use a quality potting mix, this will ensure your plants have the nutrients and requirements to thrive. Thanks, Jenna - Tui Team.
Gordon thanks for asking that question as I have the same problem. Thought it was result of having gas heating!Daughter has large plant that lives in full sunlight and she drowns it every so often!! Can't win them all I guess!!
Anne Duffy
when dealing with issues pertaining to your plants put yourself in their position and think about the temperature, feed, water, light, all the basic neccessities for life. I recently got given bean seedlings and thought it was to cold to plant them out as its snowing here so had them inside the front door. The edges of the leaves started burning and curling up so I put them in the porch and now it's growing crazily..it's cold on the porch..like people, all plants are different and like different things. Some plants just like the cold better.
Great advice to garden by Devz, thanks for sharing! - Tui Team
A few of my pot plants are showing mould. Should I repot and what causes this?
Hi Honor, is the mould on the leaves or around the plant? Try and ensure your plants have adequate air flow to stop mould. Also the more light the plants get the better. If it is on the leaves you can give them a gentle clean. All the best, Tui Team
I have a maidenhair fern in bathroom that keeps getting little black bugs on it, what are these and how do I treat it please?
Nicola Moodie
Hi Nicola, it sounds like you may have black aphids, these are common in ferns. On the plant at anyone time will be adults, eggs and young aphids, therefore treating them is a 3 stage process, choose an insect spray which indicates it controls aphids and spray accordingly. Alternatively, you could give the plant a huge haircut, this will remove all the eggs/adults etc and this may eradicate the problem, new foliage will appear in 8-12 weeks. ^ Tui Team
I have a Burned monstera leave, it got scorched by the sun. Can it be safed or should I cut it off? Would it regrow?
Nancy Tschetner
Hi Nancy, remove the scorched leaf as it will not recover. The plant will send out a new leaf.
Tui Team
I have an African violet plant that was my mums who recently passed away. It is looking very sick and the leaves are dark and drying out. I read on the internet to put crushed egg shell in the soil which doesn't seem to have done any thing. I was a beautiful lush plant that flowered all the time. I know I have to water it from the saucer underneath - what am I doing wrong?
Hi Rachel, the secret to growing African Violets is to find the right position indoors where it gets plenty of bright light, but not direct sunlight and warm temperatures. They don't like sudden drops in temperature, or cold draughts. African Violets do not like 'wet feet', avoid overwatering and leaving the plant sitting in a saucer of water, allow the surface of the potting mix to dry out between watering, and water from the base, you can water from the top, just don't get the leaves wet as this leaves marks on the leaves. Water with tepid water, not cold water. Feed regularly with a specialty African Violet plant food, a liquid food is best, that can be mixed with water and applied. The plant may benefit from being repotted, use a quality mix such as Tui Indoor Plant mix, it is free draining, and has the right blend of nutrients for flowering plants. Place it back into the same pot, they like to be a little bit root or pot bound. If you can find the right position for the plant, then you are half way there to African Violet growing success.
The Tui Team
My Mother-in-laws tongue seems to be overwatered in winter and underwatered in summer. How do I get the watering balance right?
Hi Sue, you don't say if your Sanseveria (Mother-in-Laws tongue) is indoors in a pot or outdoors in the garden or in a pot. If it is indoors in a pot allow the surface of the mix to dry out between watering, you can test by pushing your index finger into the surface of the mix, if it feels dry, water, if it feels moist, wait another day or so. In winter water once a month, depending on what the temperatures indoors are like, almost allow the mix to dry out between watering.
If the plant is outdoors in the garden it is pretty hard to stop the plant getting watered when it rains, consider lifting and potting into a trough or container, this way there will be more control over the amount of water the plant receives. If it is in a pot outdoors, try and move the pot in winter so that the plant is getting minimal water. The same applies as for indoor plants, allow the surface of the mix to dry out between watering. Avoid wetting the heart of the plant when watering.
The Tui Team
Every plant has specific needs and requirements to ensure it grows healthy. More than the soil and light, it is also important to choose a spot or place where houseplants can adapt and eventually thrive. Thank you for sharing this informative post!