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Tracey's Lemon Shortcake

Got loads of lemons? This delicious lemon shortcake recipe shared by Tracey is the perfect way to make use of your lemon crop! Eat it warm straight from the oven with ice cream or yoghurt, or cut it into squares for an easy treat later on.


Shortcake base and topping:

  • 1 cup self raising flour
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 100 grams of cold butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 2T milk

Lemon honey filling:

  • 75 grams butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2t lemon rind
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 2 large eggs beaten


  • Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • In a food processor blend the plain flour, self raising flour, sugar and butter until it forms a crumbly mixture. Add the egg and milk and blend together.
  • Once blended together, press half of the shortcake mixture into the bottom of a lined oven tin. Put aside the other half. 
  • In a pot over a medium heat, add the butter, sugar, lemon juice and lemon rind and stir to mix, gradually adding the beaten eggs.
  • Cook the mixture for 3-5 minutes, stirring every minute until it thickens.
  • Pour the lemon honey mixture over the shortcake base.
  • Crumble the other half of the shortcake mixture over top of the lemon honey, so that the lemon honey is completely covered.
  • Bake in the oven for 35 minutes.

For more garden and recipe inspiration follow Tracey on Instagram: @traceyrobertsgardensnz 

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Tracey's Lemon Shortcake Comments

  • What is 2T Milk and 2t lemon rind?

    Mary Hoff

    • Hi Mary, 2 tablespoons of milk and 2 teaspoons of lemon rind :) 

      Tui Team

    • Sounds good thanks Tui!


  • Is honey missing from the Lemon honey filling list of ingredients?

    Sean Hennessy

    • Hi Sean, no - the lemon honey is just meant to be a 'honey' like consistency. 

      Tui Team

    • I had wondered the same thing LOL, now I can go ahead and make it now knowing the honey is not missing :-)


    • In the past, you could buy Lemon Honey at the Supermarket. Then it had to be changed as it did not contain honey, so could not be named Lemon Honey. I believe it is now sold as Lemon Curd. Perhaps someone could confirm this for me and others.

      Marion Scheuber

    • I am unsure about whether lemon honey can’t be called that due to not containing honey, all I know is that Lemon Honey is made with sugar and Lemon Curd has egg yolk added.


  • Thank you for the Panui you send out, my husband never did gardens when he worked and he has wrecked some of our stuff by wrong pruning and other things like leaving in weeds and throwing the plants down the dump so when I see one of your articles in which Hew has done something wrong, I just leave it open on the computer so he eventually looks at it. Our gardens look much better now. The lemon shortcake recipe looks yum but I just finished making a banana cake so will try it sooner or later.

    Virginia Lillian Church

  • Absolutely amazing! The recipe was perfect and so easy to follow. Saving this for sure 😍😍


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