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Tui Certified Seed Potatoes

Tui Certified Seed Potatoes

(5 out of 1 reviews)

We haven’t been able to secure supply of seed potatoes for 2023, please check at your local garden or DIY store for their stock available from around June.

The humble potato is a staple on many dinner tables around New Zealand. Roasted, boiled, mashed or in a salad - no matter how you serve yours, they will always taste better dug out of your own garden. Tui Certified Seed Potatoes are available in a wide range of varieties, and are certified to ensure they are true to type and will grow a healthy crop. Certification comes with assurance the potatoes are free from pests and diseases.

Plant in garden beds or containers, and harvest a bumper crop of homegrown potatoes this season.

Read our Potato Growing Guide to find out how you can grow the perfect spuds.


  • Wide range of varieties avaliable.
  • Certified to ensure they are true to type and will grow a healthy crop.

Directions for use

Directions for planting in garden beds:

  1. Buy your seed potatoes at least a month before planting to enable them to sprout. Remove them from the bag and place in trays in a dry, airy spot away from direct sunlight, until sprouts are approximately 20-40mm long.
  2. Make long furrows in the soil approximately 300mm apart for smaller varieties and 400mm apart for main crop and larger varieties.
  3. Place seed potatoes approximately 250mm apart in the furrows.
  4. Cover with up to 50mm of soil.
  5. Continue mounding your potatoes as shoots grow, until they are approximately 300mm tall. This protects them from wind and frost, prevents light reaching tubers and turning them green, and encourages tuber development.

Directions for planting in containers:

  1. If you are short on space you can grow your potatoes in containers, large plastic bags or a bucket - just make sure there are plenty of drainage holes.
  2. Place seed potatoes in Tui Vegetable Mix near the bottom of the container.
  3. As the sprouts grow, keep adding mix until it is up to the brim of the container.

Do not plant potatoes in the same place each year and avoid planting them where tomatoes have been planted the previous season, to reduce the risk of spreading disease.

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Tui Certified Seed Potatoes reviews

(1 reviews)

    Where to buy your potato seed in Hamilton NZ. Please and thanks. -------->TUI TEAM REPLY: Hi Surjeet, our seed potatoes are just starting to become available now as the planting season begins, and more will be available in the coming months. We suggest checking at your local Mitre 10 or garden centre such as Palmers to confirm when they will be getting stock in.

    Surjeet Singh