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Do I apply lawn seed after laying Lawn Preparation mix?


I am sowing a new lawn and will be applying Tui Lawn Preparation mix. How soon after that can I sow the grass seed?

David Gordon


Hi David, sow the lawn seed straight after applying the Tui Lawn Preparation mix to the area. Once you have applied it, gently water the lawn prep mix in to settle it and then apply your lawn seed. Lightly cover the lawn seed with lawn prep mix and press down with a rake head or a roller if you are luck enough to have access to one, so that the lawn seed is in contact with the soil. Although it is warm and wet at the moment, it is going to start to get cold which slows down lawn seed germination. Don't sow your lawn if you are in a frost prone area, wait until spring. Go to our website and check out our lawn guide here. Lianne.

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