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Do I need to debud my young lemon tree to help establish the roots?



Hi Tui, my 800mm lemon tree is showing a lovely lot of buds. It was planted a few months ago into the ground. As a newbie gardener, I have asked advice from various people as I create a garden near our new house. Do I need to debud the tree to help establish the roots?



Hi Jocelyn

Lemons tend to abort or thin fruit if they are not able to sustain the fruit. If any fruit do set in the first season of growth it is a good idea to remove the fruit so that the trees energies go into establishing a good root system that will sustain future growth.

Make sure the tree is regularly watered, fertilised in spring and again in late summer and early autumn. Mulch around the tree to help conserve soil moisture with Tui Mulch & Feed.

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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