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How can I help my apricot that isn't fruiting?



Hi, my miniature apricot tree is 6 years old. It looks healthy but has never had any fruit. Should I start with another one?

Sharryn Walker


Hi Sharryn, apricots are self fertile and need a cool period to set fruit. If you are in a warm climate it may not get the chilling it requires to initiate fruiting.

Are there apricots grown in your area? Apricots are frost hardy but frosts at the time of flowering can knock the flowers and buds off the tree.

Is it getting enough water? Is it regularly fertilised? Feed in spring when buds burst and again in late summer early autumn. Apply an all purpose fertiliser rich in potassium (K) such as Tui Novatec or Tui Enrich Fruit, Citrus, Tree & Shrub fertiliser. Mulch around the tree to conserve soil moisture with Tui Mulch & Feed, even if it's in a pot.

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How can I help my apricot that isn't fruiting? Comments

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