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How can we get grass to grow under a large tree on our lawn?


Hi Tui, we have a large tree at the front of our house, and underneath the tree the grass is patchy and the ground is rock hard, we do fertilise and water in the summer but each year the same thing. When is the best time to water your lawn? Thanks Vivienne.



Hi Vivienne, the best time to water lawns is in the growing season, spring through to autumn, once or twice a week, in the height of summer it could be daily. Once there is natural rainfall, manual watering will become less. Water in the morning rather than the evening as the lawn sits damp for hours overnight which gives rise to fungal diseases. It is hard to establish lawns around large trees, it will depend upon what type of tree, as to whether the lawn will establish, some trees, such as walnut trees have tannins that impede grass growth. The best way to improve the soil around the tree is to add organic matter to the soil, or if trying to establish a lawn, Tui Lawn Preparation mix over the top of the existing grass and water in. The tree feeder roots are going to extract soil moisture and nutrients so it is hard to get an even lawn in this situation.

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