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How do I reinvigorate my standard iceberg rose?



Hi, how do I reinvigorate my standard iceberg rose?

beryl archer


Hi Beryl, if your rose is an old established rose, prune it right back, removing weak and dead wood, at the area of the graft union get a wire brush and give it a good going over to stimulate new growth. Depending on your climate, it may be too late to do this as roses will start budding very soon, you would need to do it in June or July. Otherwise prune the rose back to about 3-5 nodes from the base, prune to an outside bud, leaving 5-6 branches, remove weak, spindly growth and any dead diseased wood. Roses need a free draining soil that is rich in organic matter. If your soil is heavy and poorly drained you may want to consider planting it into a raised bed, or if the soil is stony and gravelly, add generous amounts of organic matter to the soil, organic matter needs to be replenished each year by lightly forking in compost or mulching with organic matter such as Tui Mulch & Feed or Tui Rose & Shrub mix, add Tui sheep pellets or Tui Super Sheep pellets which are perfect for roses as they contain Nitrophoska. Make sure your rose gets 2-3 deep waterings a week in the growing season, adjust depending upon your weather. Regular applications of Tui Seaweed Plant Tonic or Tui Seaweed & Fish throughout the growing season will help boost your rose and improve overall plant health. Feed with a specially blended rose food in spring when buds burst, and again in late summer, early autumn, this will help promote flowering. Make sure your rose is planted in the sunniest position possible, they need at least 6 hours of sunshine to flower prolifically. If your rose is in a pot make sure it is regularly fertilised using a controlled release fertiliser such as Tui Enrich Rose, Camellia, Azalea, Gardenia fertiliser, keep well watered (could be daily in the growing season), apply mulch around the base of the rose and make sure it is in a sunny position. I hope this is helpful. Lianne, Tui Team. 

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