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How do I stop brassicas going to seed?



Hi Tui, how do I stop my brassicas, such as broccoli, going straight to seed? Thanks.

Charlotte Morton


Hi Charlotte, there are several reasons why plants go to seed, usually it is because the plant is under stress and it thinks it is time to start reproducing itself. The stress could be caused by unseasonal weather, sudden temperature changes, or planting in the wrong season, for example, planting winter lettuce varieties in summer. It could also be caused by irregular watering, plants growing in the wrong place, not enough light or the environment is not conducive to good plant growth. Another reason is that the plants were left too long before planting out and have become root bound.

While little can be done about the weather and controlling temperature fluctuations, make sure you are planting the right varieties for the season. The seedlings in garden centres will be seasonally appropriate, always buy fresh seedlings and not ones that look like they have been in punnets for too long. Dig in plenty of organic matter to the soil, add a general garden fertiliser and Tui Certified Organic sheep pellets at time of planting and keep plants well watered. Don't allow them to dry out, mulching around plants with either Tui Pea Straw, Tui Mulch & Feed or well rotted untreated saw dust to help maintain soil moisture. Regular applications of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic will help all garden plants, apply every 2-4 weeks to stimulate root growth, this also helps plants tolerate temperature fluctuations and helps keep pests and diseases at bay. By keeping plants well fed, watered and cared for, you will keep them actively growing and so there is less chance of the plants going to seed. 

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