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How do you re-sow grass on an established lawn?


Hi, what is the best way to re-sow grass on top of an existing lawn? Thanks.

Graeme Moore


Hi Graeme, if you have dead bare patches in your lawn and want to re-sow on top of the existing grass, rake out the dead grass and remove, making sure to break up the soil 'crust' (or surface tension). Use top soil or Tui Lawn Preparation mix to cover the area that has been raked, don't be concerned if you are smothering the surrounding grass, it will come through and will benefit from the organic matter you are adding to the soil. Compact down the top soil or lawn preparation mix using the rake head or your feet, water it to settle the soil, sow the seed and lightly cover to make sure it is in contact with the soil and stays moist during germination. Try and match the seed you use to your existing lawn, if your lawn is Ready Lawn then it is likely that the seed is Tall Fescue, otherwise, there will be a match in the Tui Superstrike lawn seed range, or you may have some left over seed in your shed. Make sure the risk of frost has passed before sowing the seed, it will damage newly germinated grass. Another thing you may want to consider if your lawn just looks tired and you want to rejuvenate it, is scarifying the lawn. That is running over the lawn with spikes, which can be hired (Hire Pool, Kennards Hire) or purchase from garden centres and DIY stores. This loosens the thatch, remove the loose thatch and then apply Tui LawnForce New Lawns slow release fertiliser which is good for rejuvenating existing lawns, or for when sowing new lawns. You will be amazed at how good your lawn looks when you do this. Lianne, Tui Team.

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