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How far apart do I plant feijoa trees?

  West Coast


Hi there, I want to plant a couple of feijoa trees. How close together do they need to be to ensure they pollinate well? Or if I get true self pollinators does it matter? Thanks.

Rose Ruddle


Hi Rose

Feijoas are self fertile, however, having another close by improves pollination and ultimately fruiting. Birds (mainly blackbirds) are the main pollinators of feijoas. Plant your trees 1.5m apart or you can plant closer if you want to create a hedge or screen.

Thanks, Tui Team

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How far apart do I plant feijoa trees? Comments

  • I have planted one feijoa tree my neighbour has 2 across the fence maybe 3m away? Will they pollinate my tree or should I get another?


    • Hi Kelly, while most feijoas are self fertile if you have another pollinator you will get a bigger crop, and won't require another pollinator as your neighbours trees are close enough to your tree. Birds are the main pollinators of feijoas, so as long as they can fly into the tree to access the flowers to pollinate them, your tree will be fine. 


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