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If I transplant my lemon tree into a bigger pot will it stunt the growth? 



Hi there, my lemon tree is still in the same pot that I bought it in last year. The lemons on it are ripening up and there are some new buds forming. I really want to put it into a bigger pot but I don’t want to stunt the growth. Will this effect the new growth?



Hi Becky

Try to reduce the disturbance of roots to reduce transplant shock. Apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic to the tree 2-4 weeks before transplanting. If you want to transplant the tree sooner and you can dunk the root ball into a bucket of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic solution before re-potting and this will help too. You may find the new growth might wilt, if so place the tree in a shady spot after rooting and not in full sun until it recovers from the transplant shock. The key is to not disturb the root ball too much during re-potting, only gently tickle out a few roots. You may find a few of the flowers drop off but as citrus pretty much flower and fruit year round, now is the best time to do this before the temperatures warm up.

Happy gardening, Tui Team

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If I transplant my lemon tree into a bigger pot will it stunt the growth?  Comments

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