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What is the best lime fertiliser to use in the compost?



Hello, we live at Foxton Beach and want to know which is the best lime fertiliser to use in our compost, that will not affect the worms that are working the matter?

Ann Remihana


Hi Ann

Any garden lime is suitable. Tui Dolomite Lime is faster acting than garden lime and contains magnesium which plants need to photosynthesise and produce chlorophyll. Gypsum can also be used, it is also fast acting and contains sulphur which helps with overall plant growth and health. Hydrated lime is very fast acting and water soluble.

None of the limes will harm earthworms. It works on breaking down organic matter in the compost and it will help stimulate soil microbes and generate heat, which is what you want to break down the organic matter. The worms will move down into the compost if the heat is too much.

Thanks, Tui Team. 

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