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What is the difference between LawnForce All Purpose lawn fertiliser and Tui Lawn Fertiliser?


Hi, what is the difference between LawnForce All Purpose lawn fertiliser and Tui Lawn Fertiliser? I'm not sure which one I should use. Thanks.



Hi Anthony, Tui Lawn Fertiliser is a granular fertiliser that is a blend of different nutrients such as Sulphate of Potash, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate and trace elements. It is used at a rate of 140g (approx. half a cup) per square metre and feeds for up to 10 weeks. It also has the added benefit of controlling moss in lawns with the addition of Sulphate of Iron. The nutrients release all at once, feeding is not targeted, potentially there could be unevenly distributed nutrients as there is no control mechanism. An 8kg bag covers 114 square metres. Tui LawnForce All Purpose is a slow release fertiliser that uses special technology to release over 12 weeks and stimulates soil microbial activity to release nutrients and stimulate root growth. It is a small granule that is applied to dry lawns and then watered in, used at a rate of 15g - 25g per square metre. It is more direct feeding as each granule is complete unit of fertiliser and trace elements. It does not control moss in lawns, but does contain iron for rapid green-up. A 6kg bag covers 400 square metres, 2.5kg bag covers 165 square metres. Lianne.

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