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Why are my dwarf peaches going mouldy, what can I do to stop this?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi Tui, I have 3 dwarf peach trees and they have good flowers and a bumper crop of peaches, but they get mouldy fruit. I water at ground is so disappointing as this happens every year, can you advise me on what I'm doing wrong...Thanks.

Gail Glover


Hi Gail, this is likely to be Brown Rot which is a fungal disease that overwinters in the bark of the tree or in the soil, wet weather at the time of flowering in spring helps spread the fungus. It is always good to have a regular spray regime for fruit trees that are susceptible to disease, especially dwarf fruit trees. Try a protectant spray programme with a copper based spray. Do this at leaf fall - dwarf fruit trees tend to hold on to their leaves, so in late autumn early winter, again at bud burst in spring and then once flower petals have fallen. Your local garden centre or DIY store will be able to recommend a suitable spray. It may also be helpful to thin out leaves and fruit during the growing season to improve air circulation around the tree. Collect up fallen leaves and any fruit to prevent the fungal spores over-wintering in the soil and spreading, burn or throw in the rubbish as composting this material will help spread the disease. Watering the ground and not the foliage is helpful, water early in the morning, not late in the evening, mulch around the tree to conserve soil moisture, regular applications of Tui Novatec Premium fertiliser or Tui Enrich Fruit, Citrus, Tree & Shrub fertiliser will keep the tree actively growing, apply in spring, summer and autumn. Tui Organic Seaweed Plant tonic applied regularly (every 2-4 weeks) will also help give protection from pest and disease by stimulating root growth and promoting overall plant health. This can be applied throughout the year. The Tui Team.

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