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Why are the leaves on my citrus trees yellow?



Hi Tui, why are the leaves on my citrus trees yellow? Thanks.



Hi Natala, there are several reasons for yellow leaves on citrus. Citrus require regular feeding, watering and mulching to encourage healthy growth so that they flower and fruit. Apply fertilisers such as Tui Citrus food or Tui Novatec Premium fertiliser in spring and again in late summer, early autumn. If the leaves are yellow the tree could be lacking in nutrients such as nitrogen, magnesium and iron so applying fertiliser will help replenish missing nutrients. As an extra boost, an application of Epsom Salts can also help correct yellow leaves, Epsom Salts is a source of magnesium which plants need to produce chlorophyll during photosynthesis. Apply Tui Epsom Salts at a rate of 30g (2 tablespoons) per 1 litre of water and apply around the dripline of the tree. Make sure the tree is regularly watered, 2-3 times a week in very dry spells. Mulching around the tree with a suitable plant based mulch will also help conserve soil moisture, Tui Mulch and Feed is perfect for citrus trees, apply mulch in spring and autumn. Are the trees competing with grass for nutrients and water? If they are planted in a lawn, remove an area around the tree so that grass isn't right up around the base of the trees as they will be competing with the grass for nutrients and water, mulch around the area once the grass is removed, clear an area up to 50cm in diameter. The Tui Team.

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