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Why are the leaves on my new feijoa tree yellow with brown spots?



Hi, my feijoa tree is looking a bit sad. It is only a new tree but the leaves are yellow with a brown spots. I have given it some citrus fertiliser, is that okay?

Judi peters


Hi Judi

Feijoas are pretty hardy trees to grow, as long as you find the right position in the garden. You can feed feijoas with Tui Citrus food, but first you need to get it back to full health. The brown spots sound like a fungal disease, ask at your local garden centre for a suitable spray for this.

Your tree sounds like it might be stressed and suffering a bit from transplant shock. Is it planted in a well drained soil? They don’t like heavy wet soils. Mix up Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic at a rate of 100mls per 9L watering can and apply this weekly to the tree (as long as it is planted in free draining soil) until it starts to pick up. Is it planted directly into a lawn? Make sure grass isn’t growing right up around the base of the tree as it will compete for nutrients and water with the grass. You will need to water it well until it is established (depending upon the rain). As long as it is planted in the correct place (full sun) and the soil is free draining, once temperatures warm up and after regular applications of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic it should start to become healthy again. 

Thanks, Tui Team 

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