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Why is there no fruit on my feijoa?



Why are we not getting any fruit from our feijoa tree? We have lived here for eighteen months now and although we get flowers there is no fruit.

John Stevenson


Hi John, there could be several reasons you are not getting any fruit, the main reason could be that it is a seedling grown tree and not a cutting growing or grafted known variety. Seedling trees may flower but not set fruit, the fruit can be variable in size, and it can take years for a seedling grown feijoa to fruit (up to 10+), where grafted or cutting growing trees will fruit in 3-4 years.

Feijoa trees are pollinated mainly by birds - black birds, thrush, myna birds, as well as waxeyes. If your tree is planted where the birds cannot access it, the flowers won't be getting pollinated, you may need to manually go around with a paint brush to each flower to assist in pollination.

Some varieties are self fertile, but even self-fertile varieties will produce heavier and more regular crops if they are pollinated by other varieties. Plant at least two different varieties to extend your season and ensure a better harvest. Discover feijoa varieties here >

The other reason could be that the tree canopy is too dense and so the birds cannot access the flowers on the tree. Thin out any dense growth or dead, spindly branches from the inside of the tree, now is a good time to do this.

Make sure your feijoa is planted in a free draining soil, they don't like wet feet, as well as having a very fibrous root system close to the soil surface, mulch around the tree in summer to help prevent the roots drying out. Fertilise the tree in spring using an all purpose fertiliser such as Tui General Garden fertiliser or Tui Citrus Food.

Happy gardening from the Tui Team.

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