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Choosing the Right Lawn Seed

Sowing or patching your lawn? The Tui LawnForce® range offers a range of lawn seed options no matter how you enjoy your lawn. Follow our guide to choose the perfect lawn seed to sow in spring or autumn for the ultimate Kiwi lawn. 

Choosing your Lawn Seed

Whether you need a low maintenance lawn, a hardwearing lawn for high traffic areas, a fine textured lawn, a drought tolerant lawn for sandy soils, or are trying to grow a lawn in a shady spot, the Tui LawnForce® Superstrike® Lawn Seed range has the perfect seed for you.

Pick your perfect seed with our new virtual reality tool!

5 Steps to Lawn Success

  • Autumn and spring are the best times for lawn care in New Zealand.
  • Clear away existing grass and weeds, then apply a layer of Tui LawnForce® Lawn Preparation Mix.
  • Choose a lawn seed suited to your climate and lawn use. 
  • Sow seed on a fine day, rake gently to cover seed and water lightly.
  • Feed your lawn in spring and autumn with a specialised lawn fertiliser.

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