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Peperomia Jade Care Guide

5 Steps to Growing Peperomia Jade

  • Select a suitable sized pot with good drainage 
  • Add a layer of indoor plant mix to plant into 
  • Choose a spot in bright, indirect light
  • Water peperomia once every 7-10 days 
  • Apply a general purpose fertiliser once a month 

Follow our full guide and plant care tips to growing Peperomia Jade below. 

Peperomia Jade is a succulent-like plant which features shiny green ovate foliage. It's a forgiving plant that will tolerate a range of growing conditions, which is why it's great for beginners.

Peperomia Jade are compact, upright plants that usually grow up to 30cm tall. 


The better the soil, the better your indoor plants will grow. Healthy soil is especially important when growing in a limited area. Choose a potting mix that is free draining like Tui Indoor Plant Mix, specially formulated with the right blend of nutrients to give your indoor plants in pots and containers the best start.

Select a container that is a suitable size for your plants. Ensure the container has enough capacity to house the roots of the plants you want to grow. Drainage is also essential, so keep this in mind when choosing your perfect pot.


Check plant labels for individual planting instructions. 

  • Water plants thoroughly before potting and allow to drain.
  • Partly fill your container with Tui Indoor Plant Mix.
  • Gently take the plant from the current container, loosen the root ball and remove any loose or dead plant material and roots.
  • Position the plant in the centre of the new container and fill with Tui Indoor Plant Mix up to 3cm from the top.
  • Gently firm the mix around the plant. The mix should be at the same level on the plant as it was in the previous container.
  • Water your plant well. 


The right plant in the right place is the secret to healthy indoor plants. Peperomia Jade will do best in bright but indirect sunlight. Intense sunlight should be avoided as this can burn the leaves.



In terms of watering and feeding, Peperomia Jade require minimal effort. Watering about once every 7-10 days is usually enough, allowing the soil to dry out between watering.


Tui Indoor Plant Mix contains a starter fertiliser to provide instant nutrients and prevent transplant shock, along with a controlled release fertiliser for sustained feeding for up to six months, however continuing to replenish nutrients will ensure your plants remain healthy. When it comes to feeding Peperomia, less is more. Apply a general purpose fertiliser like Tui Enrich Pour & Feed Indoor Plant Liquid Fertiliser once during the growing season.

Common problems 

Overwatering is the most common problem that occurs with peperomia, which tends to lead to root rot. They tend to be fairly resistant to any pets and diseases too.

Well nourished and cared for plants will be more resilient to common problems including temperature fluctuations, pests and diseases.

Pet friendly

Peperomias are non-toxic and safe around pets and humans.

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