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10 ways to garden as a family

Encouraging children into the garden is a wonderful way to teach them about nature and where their food comes from.

Gardening together also offers a fun way to spend time together outdoors. Below are 10 projects to enjoy as a family.

1. Create a bird café by setting up feeding sites around your garden for both seed eating and nectar feeding birds.

2. Once the weather warms, plant a variety of yummy cherry tomatoes or peas in the pod - the perfect garden snack for children.

3. Paint up pots for a bright and colourful addition to the garden and fill with your favourite flowers.

4. Set up a worm farm - the whole family can help feed the worms and in turn the garden!

5. Make seed bombs using clay and potting mix to propagate seeds in the garden. Calendula, sunflower, radish are examples of seeds which work well.

6. Create a pizza garden! Plant a combination of tomatoes and tasty herbs for the perfect pizza toppings straight from your garden.

7. Use ice block sticks or paint up stones to make plant markers.

8. Create a berry patch - kids love delicious juicy berries and they are easy to grow! Get the children to help plant your patch with a variety of different berries like strawberries, raspberries and boysenberries and watch them disappear into their mouths come summer.

9. Create a butterfly garden. Swan plants, scabiosa, cornflower, tithonia (Mexican sunflower), tweedia, coreopsis are all plants that will encourage butterflies.

10. Decorate and plant up an old gumboot. Kids love playing with soil (and mud) once water is added. Poke some holes in an old gumboot for drainage.

We'd love to see your garden projects! Share them on Instagram and tag @tuigardenandhome to be featured.

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