If you enjoy warm hearty soups in winter, why not grow your own crops for fresh ingredients!
Plant a soup garden and go from garden to table over the cooler seasons.
Top Soup Crops
If planted in autumn, these crops will be ready to harvest over the winter months. Mix these soup essentials with the stored veges from your summer and autumn harvests (potatoes, pumpkins, onions, and garlic) and you won’t need to go shopping!
Soup is a great way to reduce waste and save money by using the whole vegetable. For example add broccoli stalks to your soups by simply cutting the very bottom off the stalk and removing any leaves. Then use a vege peeler to peel the outer layer, slice them up and add them to your soup!
Root veges: Carrot, beetroot, swede, parsnip.
Greens and brassicas: Broccoli, cabbage, celery, silverbeet, spinach, cauliflower.
Alliums: garlic, onion, leek, spring onion.
Herbs: Thyme, coriander, parsley, rosemary, mint.
Make the most of your space by planting quick growing and slow growing crops around each other – discover more succession growing tips with Jodie here >
Grow a bumper crop of veges with Tui Vegetable Mix. It contains all the goodies for the best start and sustained growth.
Keep warm with this satisfying soup packed full of delicious winter roast veges, shared by Tui Team member Lianne - check out the recipe here >

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