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Grow with the Tui Potato Grow Bag

The Tui Potato Grow Bag is a portable potato growing bag!

Follow these simple steps to grow potatoes and you'll be enjoying fresh homegrown spuds in no time.

  1. Choose a seed potato variety based on your taste and cooking preferences.
  2. Prepare the bag - add a 10cm layer of Tui Vegetable Mix to the base of your Tui Potato Grow Bag.
  3. Place approximately 3-5 sprouted seed potatoes in the bag with the sprouts facing upwards.
  4. Cover your seed potatoes with a 5cm layer of Tui Vegetable Mix and gently pat down.
  5. Give your planted potatoes a big drink of Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic.

As your potatoes grow keep mounding with Tui Vegetable Mix up to 5cm from the top of the bag.

Water and feed your potatoes regularly, they are ready to harvest when the tops die back. To harvest, open the easy access window  and enjoy your bumper crop!

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