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Laura's top 5 winter citrus tips

Discover tips to growing successful citrus in your garden this season from Laura (@thekiwicountrygirl).

1. Feed citrus in spring, summer and early autumn. This ensures new growth isn't affected by frosts. However you can apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic year-round for a healthy boost and to help plants cope with extremes in temperature.

2. Treat yellow leaves due to lack of magnesium with Tui Epsom Salts.

3. Mulch to protect roots, conserve moisture and suppress weeds.

4. Check for bugs including scale, whitefly, mites and aphids. Apply a spraying oil through winter to help prevent insects. If you spot insects choose a suitable spray from your garden centre.

5. Prune citrus trees if they become large or misshapen. Pruning can be done almost year-round with a few exceptions:

  • Frost prone area. If you're in a frost prone area, wait until spring.
  • Avoid pruning September/October if possible as there is risk of lemon tree borer laying eggs in fresh cuts, or if you do prune, ensure you seal cuts with a water based paint or pruning paste to stop them entering the cuts.

Follow our step by step guide to growing citrus here >

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Laura's top 5 winter citrus tips Comments

  • Thank you for the gardening tips they are most helpful and inspired me to get out there and GARDEN instead of huddling indoors on this wintry day!


    • Hi Sue, that is so good you feel inspired to get out into the garden, it is so easy to pick up a good book and stay indoors on a wintry day.


  • Hi, I love reading your replies to peoples questions. Very informative. I would like to ask if lemon trees like worm tea and when is a good time to use, thanks.


    • Hi Elly, thank you for your feedback on the garden question pages. Yes you can use worm tea on citrus, it is diluted 1 part worm tea to 10 parts water. The bet time to apply worm tea is when plants are actively growing, so spring, summer and autumn. It won't do any harm to the tree if it is applied in winter, but plants aren't actively growing in the winter months so of little benefit.




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