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Novatec Premium Fertiliser Guide

Fertilising is important to help replenish soil with nutrients previously used by plants during the growing season, to ensure your plants flourish.

Novatec is New Zealand’s next generation fertiliser, because it has been developed with new ‘nitrogen stabilising technology’. This technology provides a sustained release of nitrogen to the plant while the remaining nitrogen is held in the soil until it is needed by the plant. This means it feeds your plants more efficiently and more sustainably.Other fertilisers can ‘dump’ nitrogen into the soil and it is washed away before it can be used by the plant.

Novatec won’t leach out of the soil into our waterways; so it is better for plants and better for the environment.

Novatec can be used to feed the entire garden: edible crops, flowering plants, fruit trees, and shrubs. It is also safe for use on your plants in pots and containers, and is highly recommended for roses.

Novatec is a premium longer lasting slow release fertiliser that grows stronger, healthier plants. Novatec is used by professional growers throughout New Zealand and around the world.

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Novatec Premium Fertiliser Guide Comments

  • I purchased a Bag of Novatec on the recommendation of Lee at Kings Garden Barn, mainly for our Butia Palms, but notice it can also be a general fertiliser. What I would like to know is how often I need to reapply the NovaTec, is it each year? What time of the year is best? Appreciate any advice to help our garden. Cheers

    Robin Warner

    • Hi Robin, thanks for getting in touch. NovaTec feeds for up to four months. Apply every four months during key growth periods. Happy autumn gardening ^Tui Team 

      Tui Team

    • Thanks a lot for the information on timing for spreading the Novatec, much appreciated, We have just laid the Tui Mulch & Feed and our garden is breathing ‘Thanks ‘ !! Cheers Robin

      Robin Warner

  • I have underplanted my climbing rose with Lavender. Can I use Novatec on both my lavender and climbing rose. if not do you have another product as I cant separate the fertilising area. Thanks Caroline


    • Hi Caroline, you can apply Novatec to your roses and lavender, I suggest applying it around the roses and the lavender will get fertiliser from the soil, rather than feeding the lavender plants directly, as lavender don't like or need a lot of fertiliser, unlike roses that do. Make sure the soil is free draining, apply organic mulch, such as compost or Tui Mulch & Feed, around the roses and lavender in spring and autumn to replenish the soil with nutrients and add organic matter back into the soil. 

      Lianne, Tui Team

  • Hi, I have a garden bed filled with Tui potting mix, which already contains a slow release fertiliser. Is it OK to add novatec too, or would that be overdoing it? Also is it possible to over use seaweed tonic? Thanks


    • Hi Sandy, Tui potting mix contains a 6 month controlled release fertiliser, that releases nutrients into the soil when plants are actively growing dependent upon temperature and soil moisture, when it is cold and plants aren't actively growing nutrients are not released. Tui Novatec is a slow release fertiliser that releases nutrients for 3-4 month and each prill is a complete unit of NPK and trace elements. The nutrients break down into the soil when the prill gets wet releasing nutrients regardless of temperature. How regularly you need to feed the garden or top up the garden with fertiliser will depend upon what plants you are growing, some plants need more feeding than others. Rather than applying Novatec in spring and summer we recommend using a liquid fertiliser such as Tui Seaweed & Fish every 2 weeks. It is a fertiliser, contains humates to help improve the soil, as well as fish emulsion and seaweed plant tonic. Apply Novatec in January, early February. Tui Organic Seaweed is a plant tonic, you cannot over apply it to plants as long as it is diluted at the recommended rates. It is a tonic that contains amino acids, naturally occurring plant growth regulators and plant growth hormones which help stimulate flowering and fruiting, it is not a fertiliser.


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