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Top 5 hard to kill indoor plants

Breathe colour, life, texture and happiness into your home!

We’ve put together our top 5 hard to kill indoor plants - perfect for busy lives and those just starting out on their plant parent journey.


Snake Plants are the superheroes of the indoor plant world. They can survive low light, tolerate drought, and don’t mind being a bit neglected.

  • Low to Bright
  • Indirect Light
  • Water when soil is dry
  • Dust leaves occasionally


ZZ Plants are incredibly resilient and look great. They can handle low light, dry soil, and even the occasional missed watering.

  • Low to Bright Indirect Light
  • Water when soil is dry
  • Dust leaves occasionally


If you’re looking for a plant that’s as adaptable as it is gorgeous, Pothos is the one. It thrives in a range of conditions and is a pro at surviving accidental neglect.

  • Low to Bright Indirect Light
  • Water when top inch of soil is dry
  • Trim for shape, propagates easily


Peace Lilies are not only beautiful but also quite forgiving. They’ll let you know when they need water and bounce back quickly from the occasional oversight.

  • Low to Bright Indirect Light
  • Keep soil consistently moist
  • Wipe leaves and watch for drooping


Rubber Plants are hardy, resilient and can grow large in the right conditions. They thrive in lower light and are quite forgiving if you miss a watering or two.

  • Bright Indirect Light
  • Water when top inch of soil is dry
  • Prune to shape and dust occasionally

What is bright indirect light?

This light is essential for the health of many indoor plants, offering the right balance of brightness without burning or stressing the foliage. The light is bright but not directly from the sun for example, a plant placed a metre or two away from a sunny window.


Tui Indoor Plant Fertiliser Pods are the perfect feed and forget option while our Enrich Indoor Plant Pour & Feed fertiliser is ready to use with no mixing required.


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