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Top plants for pots

There are so many ways you can utilise the space in your garden to get the most out of it.

If you have a small space, are renting, or have simply run out of planting space, pots and containers are the perfect way to grow your own!

Extend your garden, utilise space and dress up outdoor areas with tasty edibles, lush green foliage and colourful blooms in pots and containers. Check out our top picks below.


top plants for pots

  1. Leafy greens - mesclun, spinach, lettuce and silverbeet are ideal.
  2. Herbs - easy to grow in small pots and add so much flavour to your meals.
  3. Strawberries - grow in containers, hanging pots or even vertically.
  4. Tomatoes - smaller dwarf tomatoes can be grown closer together, mature faster and are very heavy croppers.
  5. Dwarf fruit trees - there are so many options! Try citrus, apple, pear, nectarine, peach or apricot.
  6. Potatoes - they always taste better homegrown.
  7. Pansies or violas - instant colour and edible blooms.
  8. Cucumbers - add a climbing structure to grow vertical.
  9. Dwarf beans -  they have a compact and bushy growth habit, so no trellis needed.
  10. Ficus Tuffi - add some lush green foliage or create some privacy.

Tips and tricks

Pick the perfect container: Large plants need large containers. If the container is too small it will restrict the roots, slowing growth and causing plants to dry out quickly. Drainage is also essential. Great options include: concrete planters, troughs, wine barrels, terracotta planters, old watering cans, wooden planters and check out the Tui Mobile Vege Patch

Choose the right mix: Tui All Purpose Potting Mix is specially formulated to give your potted plants the best start. You can also choose a mix specially designed for what you are planting e.g. Tui Herb Mix for garden-fresh herbs, Tui Strawberry Mix for juicy strawberries, or Tui Vegetable Mix specifically blended for delicious veges!

Put it in a sunny spot: Keep in mind plants grown in containers dry out quicker than in garden beds so regular watering is needed too. It is best to water deeply twice a week rather than a little each day to encourage deep roots. Water in the morning or evening to avoid water evaporation. 

Hanging strawberry planter photo: @my_concrete_garden

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