While you’re enjoying your cool season crops planted in autumn, it’s time to think ahead and start planting with summer in mind!
Here are some summer faves to get started in winter.

Traditionally planted on the shortest day in June and harvested on the longest day in December, garlic will thrive with the basics - food, water and plenty of sun. It’ll be happy growing in pots and containers - you can plant 6 cloves in a pot the size of a kitchen bucket.
Bury each clove at least 5cm below the ground (twice as deep as the length of the clove). Shallow planting will cause big problems. When the plants grow the roots can’t support the weight of the heavy leaves and fall over, pulling the whole plant out of the ground. So always plant deep!

Winter is the perfect time to plant roses and when the best selection will be available in garden centres. Choose a variety of rose based on the look you are trying to achieve – in pots for a burst of colour and scent, rambling along a fence, or upright standard roses.
Pick a spot that gets sun - as a rule of thumb roses need at least five hours sun a day and prefer a spot that is sheltered from strong winds. Plant in Tui Rose & Shrub Mix to give your roses the best start and goodies they need to grow successfully.

Research shows that planting strawberries in New Zealand’s winter temperatures will produce a larger crop over the season, so don’t be afraid to plant early for even more juicy sweet berries in summer.
Replant the runners growing off your existing plants for new free plants! Runners will form on the end of a long stem that’s still attached to the parent plant. Simply snip off the runner plant so that the stem is about 3cm long and plant it straight into some Tui Strawberry Mix.

Fruit trees
If you’re dreaming of fresh homegrown fruit from your own backyard for years to come, winter is the best time to plant and when the widest range of varieties are available. Apricots, nectarines, plums and peaches are all good stone fruit options to plant. Dwarf varieties are great for small spaces or if planting in pots and containers.
If you’re starting with an existing garden bed dig in organic matter like sheep pellets and compost to your soil, then plant into a layer of Tui Citrus & Fruit Mix.
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