Tui LawnForce® Prickle Kill & Lawn Feed
Tui LawnForce® is the ideal formulation to deliver outstanding results for New Zealand lawns.
Tui LawnForce® Prickle Kill & Lawn Feed's dual action formulation includes a selective weed killer to eliminate prickle weeds (Onehunga) and other common weeds from invading your lawn. The addition of fast acting nitrogen delivers a rapid green up. The convenient hose on application system is simple and effective.
Tui LawnForce® delivers excellent results for your lawn so you can rest assured you’re selecting the optimum prickle kill and lawn feed for your backyard.
Treats 65m².
Active ingredients: 2.3 g/L Dicamba and 15 g/L MCPA as amine salts.
- Kills prickle weeds - and common lawn weeds such as clover, dandelion, and other broadleaf weeds.
- Rapid green up - fast acting nitrogen for a lush, green lawn.
- Ready to use - convenient hose connector, no mixing required.
Directions for use
- For best results on prickles, apply to actively growing lawns in spring. If treating other lawn weeds apply to actively growing lawns in spring or autumn.
- Measure out the area for accurate application, shake well before use and take care to not over apply the product.
- Attach hose to the hose-on applicator and turn on hose to low/medium flow. Lift yellow plastic tab to start applying.
- Walk at a steady pace using a sweeping action, keeping the container upright not facing the ground. Apply carefully avoiding contact with any desirable plants.
- When finished spraying, close the applicator, turn the tap off and remove the hose connector.
Do not use on buffalo grass, cotula or dichondra. Do not use lawn clippings as mulch or compost. Do not apply if raining or if rainfall is expected in 24 hours. Keep children and pets off for 24 hours or until dry.
Wait at least 7 days to mow after application. Wait at least 6 months between applications. Do not use on new lawns less than 3 months old. Effects may not be seen for up to 4 weeks.
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