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Can I plant my Beefsteak tomato plants directly into a bag of tomato mix?

  Bay of Plenty


Hi Tui, can I plant Beefsteak tomato plants directly into a bag of tomato mix, and which is best, lying flat or upright? Thanks.

Deena Royal


Hi Deena, yes, you can plant directly into a bag of Tui Tomato mix, it depends on the type of tomato you are growing as to how many you can plant and whether to grow upright in the bag or laying flat. For your Beefsteak tomato, plant into the bag upright and one plant per bag. Make sure there are holes punched in the bottom of the bag for drainage - three holes in the bottom of the bag should be sufficient. The plant will need staking for support. If you were planting semi dwarf tomato plants such as Russian Red, you could plant with the bag flat (and holes punched in the bottom of the bag for drainage) and plant three plants in a staggered formation, not in a line. This gives more space for the tomato plants to grow. Semi dwarf plants shouldn't need staking, but may need some sort of support as they grow. Remember to water plants regularly and start supplementary feeding with a liquid plant food such as Tui Seaweed & Fish once the first truss of fruit has set. The Tui Team.

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