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Autumn Gardening Guide

Autumn is a fantastic season in the garden. The air is crisp, with warm long days, perfect for the tasks that need doing following the heat of summer.

It's a great time for sowing a new lawn, planting bulbs, trees and shrubs, and of course planting the vegetable garden for the months ahead.

Autumn to do list

  • Autumn is the perfect time for lawn TLC, and to sow a new lawn. Check out our 3 simple steps of lawn care.
  • Harvest seeds from last season's crops for use next season. Label them carefully before storing.
  • Plant up pots and containers with autumn potted colour.
  • Apply Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic every 2-4 weeks to help prevent transplant shock, promote strong growth and keep your garden thriving.

In the vegetable garden

  • Replace the lost nutrients from those heavy growing seasons by adding in compost, blood and bone, and sheep pellets. This will provide a healthy new foundation for your autumn and winter crops.
  • Keep mounding up celery and leeks.
  • Harvest pumpkins and dry well before storing.
  • Main crop potatoes should be ready for lifting.
  • Autumn is an ideal time to plant broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, beetroot, spinach and Chinese cabbages.
  • Plant lettuce early autumn and you can get a good harvest from most lettuce varieties.
  • Sow seeds for your winter crops like carrots, swedes, turnips and radish. A good seed raising mix that is light and free draining will ensure your seeds get the best possible start.
  • Autumn is a busy season for slugs and snails so protect your young vegetable seedlings with Tui Quash.
  • Aphids and whitefly will be about. Blast off with a hose or spray with warm soapy water.
  • If early frosts are a concern, protect seedlings with a cloche or growing tunnel.

In the fruit garden

  • Autumn is a busy time for the home orchardist as new season fruit trees make their way to the garden centre and existing trees are laden with fruit.
  • Fertilise citrus trees in early autumn with Tui Citrus Food, unless there is threat of frost.
  • Prepare new planting sites with compost and plant into garden mix.
  • Protect grape vines with bird netting.

In the flower garden

  • Autumn in the flower garden signals a time to change to new season's potted colour.
  • Pansies, violas, and polyanthus are more tolerant of the cooler weather.
  • Plant into Tui Rose & Shrub Mix for best results and feed with Novatec.
  • It is the best time to plant bulbs for spring flowering, see our Bulb Growing Guide for more information.
  • Basic maintenance in the flower garden requires pruning back flowering plants that have finished for the season.
  • Support taller flowering plants like dahlias and sweet peas with frames or stakes.
  • Mulch your flower beds to suppress weeds and protect plants from the cooler months ahead.

Click here for more garden guides >

When should I plant
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Harvest in 60-120 Days

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Autumn Gardening Guide Comments

  • I’ve learnt so much reading the Autumn gardening guide. Thank you for these helpful guides.


    • Love getting your emails very helpful.

      Carolyn Gregory

  • Thanks! I always look forward to reading your emails/newsletters.


  • Really enjoy these emails my citrus leaves are looking yellow, so read the tip on Epsom Salts.

    Phrynette Pukeroa

  • I learnt a lot on autumn gardening.


  • Really look forward to your page and all your advice and planting suggestions, thank you.

    Patricia Kelsall

  • Wow! This is a very good read. Thank you for sharing this. I am learning a lot. ^^,)


  • Hi what a great haul of veggies I got from boxes and plastic bins this year! Thanks to the Tui veg mix, tomato mix and compost the tomato, bok choi, drunken woman lettuce, chilli beetroot and telegraph cucumbers ( the longest one 19inches long) Wonderful

    Adrienne White

    • Hi Adrienne, thank you for the feedback, great to hear that you have had a successful vegetable growing season, it has definitely been a challenging one. Happy gardening!


  • Perfect Knowledge is wealth. Love your products.🌳

    Jenny Flain

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