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Plant a three sisters garden

Discover the three sisters planting method this summer!

A great space saving solution for growing corn, beans and pumpkin where the three companion plants work together to support each other’s growth.


Corn is planted first growing tall stalks which act as a trellis.
Beans climb up the corn as they grow towards the light.
Pumpkin spreads out as a ground cover, shading the soil which helps retain water.

Prepare your garden bed by digging in compost and sheep pellets then top with a layer of Tui Vegetable Mix.

Soak your seedlings in Tui Organic Seaweed Plant Tonic to encourage healthy growth and help with transplant shock.

It’s time to plant out your corn! Plant your corn in rows 30-50cm apart.

Once your corn has reached 20-30cm in height it’s time to plant your beans! Direct sow 2-3 beans at the base of every corn seedling.

Make mounds of soil for each pumpkin plant, approximately 20cm high, and plant your pumpkin seedling on top of the mound.

Water in well, sprinkle with Tui Quash to stop slugs and snails munching on your lush seedlings. Continue to water well over summer and feed with Tui Vegetable Food.

If you’re growing your corn and pumpkin from seed, start these around four weeks earlier. If you’re not a fan of pumpkin, watermelon is a great substitute! Sunflowers are also a great option to add to the three sisters.

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Make the most of your summer harvests with Diane’s Cornucopian Curry - a colourful, tasty dish using the corn, beans and pumpkin from your three sisters garden!
Read the recipe here >

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